Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bargaining Info - 10/09/08

Back at it today. I was so tired from last night that I slept right through breakfast. Showed up in time to find out that the CHW side has decided to have some additional reservations about our proposal to distribute wages. They still wish to keep certain hospitals at lower wage scales. It is our goal to keep on pushing to bring scales at ALL hospitals up to area leader standards (or at least as close as possible, based on the overall money both sides agreed upon for this purpose.

As some of the team members who were part of the 2004 bargaining, the amount of time it took to cost out (a.k.a. "divide the money pie") for these new wage scales and yearly wages was much slower than this time around (about 3 times as fast). Occasionally, there will be things that our team members will have to go over with the CHW team to clear up questions they may have regarding job descriptions, how to match positions with different titles to positions on the industry leader, etc..

We started this day at 9 am for breakfast and small group discussions. We are finishing tonight at about 11:15 pm. We have been told that CHW will have some new things for us to consider...

hmmm...we'll just have to wait for this...

Have a pleasant day.

In Unity -- JT

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