Wednesday, October 8, 2008

CHW Bargaining - 10/08/08 10:20 p.m.

Day 2 of our bargaining, and things do continue.

Slowly, slowly - but steadily. We spent most of the day divided between working in small groups, discussions amongst the group as a whole, and wondering if the next meal will be as crappy as the one before.

Yeah, I said it... CRAAA-PEE!

Anyway, back to the bargaining stuff. All day the "money people" of CHW and UHW have been working together to match jobs/wages with that of the industry leader (they know who they are), and then deciding on to make the money stretch to that level. It takes a lot of time to match all of the positions as accurately as possible, and then to place the wages appropriately.

CHW continues to talk about paying wages on four(4) different levels based on the location* of the facility:

1) LA area 2) So. Cal. (non-LA)* 3) Bay area 4) No. Cal. (non-Bay)*

* excluding facilities called "outliers" - certain facilities that are supposedly losing money, and therefore, they (CHW) wants to give them smaller raises. Places like Dominican Oaks, Mark Twain, and...

Woodland Clinic.

Yeah, right.

So guess who they will try to keep on the low end of the wage scales--


We are committed to bringing all of the "outliers" up, up, up. With wages more in line to where they should be.

Oh, wow.

I've just realized how tired I am. However, I am in a room with others still very motivated to getting as much done before we call it a day as possible. We will probably be here past midnight...

Check back here often. Tell your co-workers.


Your humble volunteer servant - Joe

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