Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Let's Review The New CHW Contract -

Th following is a copy of a press release from the website SEIU Voice.

UHW's settlement with CHW is truly historic, not only because of the tremendous gains made for thousands of CHW workers and their families, but because it is illustrative of the fact that despite these difficult economic times we can continue to make great strides in improving the lives of workers and those they care for when workers are organized and leading the fight to win in their campaigns and at the bargaining table.

Key elements of the settlement:

*Average wage increases of 26% over four years with some workers achieving increases of up to 35.4%.

*Establishment of a supplemental unemployment fund to provide benefits for workers who are laid off after all other efforts to avoid a layoff are exhausted. For up to six months CHW will supplement the employee's unemployment benefits at 60-80% of their base compensation.

*Creation of six full time Contract Specialist positions, appointed by the union and funded by CHW, to allow rank-and-file members to work full time for a year on implementation of the contract and other union building activities in their facilities. After the one year leave, workers can return to their previous jobs without suffering any loss of seniority or other benefits.

*Eight hours of paid steward time per steward per month for a maximum of twenty stewards per facility.

*An additional $2.3 million dollars in other pay improvements.

*Improved successorship language.

*A 2009 re-opener on retirement to make improvements to the already existing pension plan and other issues.

*Process to meet and discuss the establishment of a union registry in key markets.

*Continued participation in the SEIU United Healthcare Workers West and Joint Employer Education Fund.

These improvements come on top of what is already one of the best hospital contracts in the country where workers have 100% paid family health insurance, a pension and a 401(k) plan, retiree healthcare, staffing committees which allow for binding arbitration by a neutral 3rd party if no agreement can be reached, wage scales and strong job security and union rights provisions.

Good Stuff!

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