Monday, October 13, 2008

Success! Update on Bargaining - 10/11/08

It's been a couple of days since I last posted, but I do have some good news --

We finally settled on a contract that we can take back to our hospitals for approval...


I am so proud of the time and effort put in by all involved. Kudos to my fellow bargaining team members, UHW negotiators and staff. Their effort was huge.


Despite all of the distractions ( attempts by our SEIU International to put us in trusteeship, current economic downturn, etc.) we got the job done. An agreement with no takeaways.

The only regret that I have is that we couldn't bring up all of our facilities up equally high. It kinda makes things feel somewhat incomplete... but in 2012, we'll be ready to pick up where we've left off. There's still work to be done.

Power to the "OUTLIERS"!

Congratulations, UHW!!!

More info on the agreement after I get some sleep. Lots of sleep..............zzzzz....

Joe T.

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